L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe Headquarters
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Our objective is to train children and youth to be servants of God and a blessing to their communities.
We manage 3 orphanages and 4 schools in Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Brazil and Bolivia.
We started in 1983. Many churches have been planted through this work.
The headquarters is directed by the general assembly of our German association, its elected board, appointed general manager and two half-time employees. It employs the managers of the five projects and receives monthly activity and financial reports from them. It provides yearly budgets for running costs, investment and mission, but holds each project accountable in its quest toward self-sufficiency.
Winterstetten 31, 88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu, Germany
Contact Information
Winterstetten 31, 88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu, Germany