ASI Europe Convention 2015

Central Adventist Church Székely Bertalan utca 13, Budapest, Hungary

Book your ticket Click here Hotels in Budapest ASI Europe negotiated special prices with hotels in Budapest. Please book your room soon, since there are limited capacities. Special prices expire on June 30, 2015. Hotels Budapest_ASI Specials Registration form Hotel Danubius Arena Registration form Hotel Best Western Hungaria Convention Flyer and Poster ASI Europe Convention...

EUR50 – EUR180

ASI Europe Convention 2019

Paris , France

ASI Europe Convention 2019 - Registration Please click here to get to the registration form The venue of the ASI Europe Convention is from Wednesday to Friday: Novotel Hotel Paris Est, 1 Avenue de la Republique, 93177 Bagnolet. On Sabbath, there will be a high Sabbath program with up to 2,800 attendees at Les Pyramides,...

ASI-GYC-Europe All Generation ONLINE Convention 2020


ASI-GYC Europe ASK 2020 Virtual Convention Registration: Speakers: All information:

ASI Europe Convention 2024

Hristo Botev Hall Universitetski park St., Sofia, Bulgaria

Please note our new venue: Hristo Botev Hall, Studentski Kompleks, ж.к. Студентски град 26, 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria *** Our Hotel Recommendations (please add "ASI" to your bookings in order to receive preferential rates) Hotel Tripadvisor rating Distance to venue Single Room per night Double Room per night Vitosha Park Hotel **** 4,1 1,4 km ca....